
Showing posts from March, 2010

Skinput gadget turns your own ARM into a touch screen display

Skinput gadget turns your own ARM into a touch screen display Those who find the touch screens on their ever shrinking gadgets too fiddly to handle, will be glad to hear scientists are developing a new touch surface... your own arm. Developers at Microsoft Research and Carnegie Mellon University are working together to create an armband that projects an interface directly on to your skin. They have combined a mini projector which creates a changing display with a sophisticated sensor that can tell which part of your arm is being tapped. Skinput could solve the problem of ever shrinking gadget screens Skinput could recognise a telephone number being typed out on a hand The researchers showed Skinput can be used to control audio devices, play simple games like Tetris, make phone calls and navigate simple browsing systems. The gadget effectively turns your arm into a touch screen surface by picking up various ultra-low sounds produced when you tap different areas. Different skin location